Here at the Texas Spine Clinic, your happiness and comfort are our top priorities. Our staff will do everything we can to ensure that you have the best experience possible.
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Our Satisfied Customers
David Perez | San Antonio, TX

It is great to function with daily activities and not be sedated or under medication.
I had two bulging herniated discs, one being severely large and creating unbearable pain from my lumbar area all the way down my right leg. I could not walk, sit or do any normal activities. The immediate solution was surgery. Fortunately, I discovered Dr. Barton and the DRX 9000 spinal decompression equipment. Immediately from the first week I experienced pain and through the treatment I no longer had to take muscle relaxers and pain killer medication.
It is great to function with daily activities and not be sedated or under medication. Upon completion of my treatment, I have experienced freedom from the pain and regained the ability to accomplish the simple daily activities in life we take for granted. I walk, stand, sit and move with ease and best of all-pain free. I thank God for Dr. Kevin Barton and the DRX 9000 machine that helps us enjoy a good life again!
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Jack Roberson | Runge, TX
I would like to offer my thanks for your treatments on the DRX 9000. I’ve been suffering from pinched nerves in my lower back for years. It was affecting my left leg and the ability to walk. After 20 treatments I can now walk like I was when I was a lot younger.
I would recommend this treatment to anyone with the same problems. I would also like to thank your staff. It was a pleasure going for the treatments everyday. I was treated like family. I was sorry when the treatments ended. Again, thanks everyone I enjoyed the treatments.
Melissa Ortiz | San Antonio, TX
I spent years with neck pain and migraine headaches and thought it was normal. After spending 2-3 days in excruciating pain, I resorted to going to the ER because I was unable to lift my right arm. It was a scary time being only 28 years old and an occupational therapist that is familiar with treating patients with similar injuries. I spent the following 3 days with my right arm in a sling and attempting to continue to care for my patients as a therapist. After a MRI, I learned I had 2 herniated discs (C4-5 and C5-6).
I then visited with a medical doctor and Dr. Barton and I quickly learned my options. My discs were damaged greatly and I had 2 options: 1. surgery which would require hardware placement, or 2. Receiving treatment on the DRX. Being a therapist, I have spoken with numerous patients who have had back surgery. Many told me to hold off with this procedure for as long as I could. I began the DRX treatments as quickly as possible and after 2 treatments I noticed results. I was able to lift my arm high enough to pick my hair up in a ponytail. Prior to treatment I was placing my elbow on a counter to attempt to make myself presentable in public.
After all the treatments I had regained full range of motion and was working a full day again. The healing procedure continued for months after finishing my treatment on the DRX. I continued to strengthen my arm through exercises. I’m glad I was able to find out about the DRX before I had an irreversible surgery.

After all the treatments I had regained full range of motion and was working a full day again.

Over a six-week period, I feel like a new man. I was treated using the DRX 9000 spinal decompression.
Matthew McFadden
I have been suffering from two bulging discs in my lower back since March of 2009. I injured it during military training and it was never properly diagnosed by the VA. Since the injury, I have attempted physical therapy, to include traction, pain medication and muscle relaxers. I was in an almost continual amount of discomfort ranging from a 1 to 8 on a pain scale of 1 to 10. I was not necessarily skeptical regarding the treatment, I was just hopeful for something to give me relief.
Over a six-week period, I feel like a new man. I was treated using the DRX 9000 spinal decompression. Unlike some physical therapy, which can be quite painful, this treatment was painless with a small amount of temporal discomfort from the tightness of the harness that’s necessary for the treatment. Before receiving this treatment, I had difficulty sleeping. I could not sit or stand for long periods and working out appeared to be something I would have to give up. Now I am sleeping better, sit and stand for long periods, and I am back running and the gym. The office and medical staff are friendly, polite and professional. I would not hesitate to recommend the Texas Spine Clinic and its staff to anyone suffering from back or joint pain.
I would personally like to thank Dr. Huffman for being able to do what the VA failed to do for six years, one being able to use common sense, then diagnosing the problem and fixing it. To the rest of the medical staff who had a hand in my recovery, I am grateful and appreciative of your care and expertise. Last but not least, to the office staff constantly putting up with my crazy schedule and bending over backwards to accommodate me, I say thank you. To all y’all at Texas Spine Clinic, thanks for giving me my life back.
R.W. Dirks | Tuleta, TX
I want to thank you and your staff for the excellent treatment I received this past month. You were always on time or ahead of time for my appointment. I was hurting a lot when the treatment began and taking pain medication every six hours. I saw some relief after the first stretch and therapy.
After the second week of treatments (8) I had no lower back pain. I have been pain free since. The stretching and back exercises continue to help keep me more mobile. Thank you again for the excellent treatment, and results I received at your clinic.

R.W. Dirks | Tuleta, TX
I want to thank you and your staff for the excellent treatment I received this past month. You were always on time or ahead of time for my appointment. I was hurting a lot when the treatment began and taking pain medication every six hours. I saw some relief after the first stretch and therapy.
After the second week of treatments (8) I had no lower back pain. I have been pain free since. The stretching and back exercises continue to help keep me more mobile. Thank you again for the excellent treatment, and results I received at your clinic.
The difference in my pain level before and after the maintenance treatments continues to amaze me 2 years after I went through the initial treatment program.
I went through the normal treatment program on the DRX 9000 Spinal Decompression Machine. The process was non-invasive and painless. The staff was knowledgeable, helpful and friendly. After the normal program, I had made significant progress toward pain reduction but didn’t fell that I was quite where I should be. The angle on the machine was changed a fraction for the last few treatments. That did the trick.
I have found that between a maintenance treatment every 4-6 months, my pain is significantly reduced (1-3) most of the time and I am often virtually free of pain. The difference in my pain level before and after the maintenance treatments continues to amaze me 2 years after I went through the initial treatment program. I continue to do my part by exercising daily to maintain my physical fitness. I highly recommend the Texas Spine Clinic treatment program for relief from back pain. To say that Texas Spine Clinic changed my life is an understatement.

Peter Lovett | Bandera, TX
I wanted to write this note to thank you for all you’ve done for me. I have suffered pain and limited mobility from a degenerated L4-5 for years. I was crooked getting out of bed in the morning. Playing golf was painful. The following day was worse. I wanted to stand to eat dinner because sitting was intolerable. My back never fully recovered from any activity and the pain never ceased.
Not anymore! Working with you, the DRX 9000, and doing my exercises have greatly improved my quality of life. My back does not constantly bother me anymore. If I do happen to overdo it, my back recovers. I’m not crooked getting out of bed in the morning. I can play golf pain free. Life is good!
Sylvia Vandaloo
At the age of 62 I was diagnosed with two herniated disc in my lumbar. I went to a Neck and Back Specialist early on; who felt a Pain Management doctor would be the route for me to take at that time. I went to a Pain Management doctor for two years for a series of three steroid injections in my neck to control the pain the first year. It seemed to work pretty well for me, however, the pain came back the next year so I continued with another series of steroid injections. They didn’t work at all. I was told I needed to have back surgery. I ultimately went into the emergency room shortly thereafter, where they ran all sorts of tests and released me. I knew I had to make a life changing decision. I spoke to a friend who was a patient at the Texas Spine Clinic and they encouraged me to look them up. My pain level by that time, 10 being the worst, was a strong 8.
I had seen a full-page advertisement for the Texas Spine Clinic in the Sunday paper that weekend, so with MRI in hand, my husband and I scheduled a free consultation. After looking at my MRI, the doctors were so confident they could help me, that I made an appointment immediately. My first experience with the DRX 9000 NON-Surgical Spinal Decompression machine was painless. They assured me they would do everything in their power to make me feel better. Although the DRX 9000 machine looked a little intimidating at first, it was painless, and I looked forward to each treatment. Throughout the program I also received a combination of electrical stimulation, physical therapy, massages focusing on the problem area(s), exercises, cold compresses, adjustments and so so much more.
Dr. Joshua Huffman has been my primary doctor from 2012-2016. I have been on maintenance for the last four years. He always makes time to stop and see how you are doing while you are waiting to be seen. The Texas Spine Clinic has made it possible to avoid back surgery. When I finish my physical therapy, I walk out with a pain level most days of 1 or 2. Dr. Huffman from day one, has been very kind, thoughtful, encouraging and caring. By the Grace of God, I am grateful I was lead to this facility. I have shared my experience with so many people and will continue to do so.

He always makes time to stop and see how you are doing while you are waiting to be seen. The Texas Spine Clinic has made it possible to avoid back surgery.

Martha M. Marquez | San Antonio, TX
It had been many years that my back pain had prevented me from enjoying my career, exercise, and even children. I was not aware that the pain was coming from torn and bulging discs, until you revealed the results of my MRI.
After going through a series of treatments on the DRX9000, my back has improved tremendously! I know, with continued consistency, with my exercises, my back will continue to get stronger everyday. I want to thank you for your faith and encouragement that I would, indeed, recover.
Elisa Gutierrez | Laredo, TX
I was diagnosed with two herniated discs a while back. It was so bad that it also affected my spine and was confined to a wheel chair. I lost a lot of time trying to find help with quacks, also they didn’t know what they were doing. Until I read a whole page ad in my local newspaper from Texas Spine Clinic in San Antonio Texas.
I am in my 80s still walking, driving and enjoying life.
Some MRIs were required, but the first failed. So I went for 3 weeks of therapy with no change, and they found another MRI. One of my discs was very bad and it was not clear before. So I took another one and it was found to be really bad but curable. I had to go for more therapy for taking so long to start also my age. However, I was out of a wheelchair.
After three months and without surgery- I recommend Dr. Barton, Dr. Huffman and all the workers for helping me recover without pain. I am in my 80s still walking, driving and enjoying life. Thanks to God, Texas Spine Clinic, it’s doctors and their staff. It worked for me and I know it will work for you, young and old.
Cathy Smith | New Braunfels, TX
I read about the Texas Spine Clinic in the San Antonio Express News, stating that the consultation was free with an 86% recovery rate. “Of course” was my response as I had been in pain for over 4 years. Likewise, I had cortisone injections, for pain, 3 different times over a period of 2 years with some relief, but not for long. I disregarded the article and thought it was a hoax. However, for two weeks, every time I read the newspaper the same article kept showing up. Finally I decided to call and make an appointment, after all it was free so what did I have to lose?
After meeting Dr. Barton and Dr. Huffman I thought “at least give it a try.” The entire staff was so professional. They made me feel like I was the most important person in the clinic. After 4 treatments I felt relief and was ever so surprised! I am now pain free and have my life back. There are no words for me to tell you how very much I thank you. I also want to say that I will miss each one of you. I may just have to stop in every – now- and –then to get and give hugs.

For the 1st time in months I felt that I had finally found a cure for all my pain. I live 2 hours from Dr. Barton’s office, but the treatments were worth every minute I spent on the road.
Michael Scotch | Rocksprings, TX
In the fall of 2006, I began having pain in my right arm and shoulder. At first I thought I had just pulled or hurt it working at the ranch, but the pain grew worse with each passing day. The muscle in my right arm began to atrophy and I was losing strength rapidly. My fingers constantly tingled. I could not sleep in the bed and began roaming the house looking for a place to get comfortable and try and get some relief from my constant pain. No medications helped. I could ride in the car with a pillow to support my right arm and I still had tears in my eyes until the car stopped. Finally my wife was told about Dr. Barton and his work with spinal decompression therapy treatments. My first visit was on 12/12/2006.
My MRI showed that my C7 disc was protruding inward causing the nerve to be squeezed and causing the tremendous pain. Dr. Barton stated that he has helped about 85% of his patients with the DRX. Little did Dr. Barton realize, I was doing all I could to hold back the tears from my pain the first day. That afternoon I began the first of 20 treatments. When I was fully stretched the 1st treatment, I had relief temporarily.
For the 1st time in months I felt that I had finally found a cure for all my pain. I live 2 hours from Dr. Barton’s office, but the treatments were worth every minute I spent on the road. After 12 visits I could really feel the difference. I could use my arm with very little pain. After 15 visits I went skiing and had a great time with no pain. Now I have finished all my treatments and feel like my old self. I am back to working on the ranch and feel like a new man. I would recommend this treatment to anyone who is having nerve and/or back pain. I am truly a believer in the spinal decompression therapy machine and Dr. Barton.
Keith Gunnell | San Antonio, TX
I have been with Texas Spine Clinic for more than a year. I have had a good outcome using the therapeutic techniques, treatments, and follow-up guidance offered by Dr. Huffman and the staff. When I first came to the clinic, an orthopedic surgeon advised that if there was no improvement in my condition (degenerative discs) then the only other solution would be surgery.
I researched the post-surgical outcomes for similar symptoms and found over 56% suffer from post-operative stenosis which in most cases causes as much if not more pain then before surgery. I chose the Texas Spine approach and have been seen significant improvement in my condition.
All I need now are two things: 1) Preventive care and follow-up at Texas Spine and regular deep tissue massage or Reiki massage to maintain my current physical state. Without Texas Spine and the DRX- 9000 stretching my spine, I would very likely be looking at surgery and unknown, high risk outcomes.