Spinal Stenosis Treatment in San Antonio, TX

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As we age, our bodies experience the natural wear and tear of daily life—something we notice readily in places like the skin or our vision and mobility. The spine is also subject to this process of degeneration; however, it is less noticeable. One of the most common conditions people experience as they age is spinal stenosis.

Spinal stenosis is a condition where the diameter of the spinal canal shrinks or becomes narrower. Spinal stenosis is common in older patients, and it’s usually caused by degenerative changes of the spine, such as arthritis or herniated discs. Genetics factors, spondylolisthesis (vertebrae slipping forward), spinal tumors and trauma can also cause spinal stenosis. Although spinal stenosis primarily affects older people, it can affect younger adults, most often due to congenital factors like developmentally short pedicles or large herniated discs.

Symptoms of spinal stenosis include:

  • Numbness or tingling radiating in the legs or feet.
  • Gradual to sudden clumsiness. A loss of coordination and increased frequency of imbalance can be caused by spinal stenosis.
  • Difficulty walking. If you’re having pain radiating to the buttocks or down both legs and is relieved by bending forward or leaning on a shopping cart, you could have spinal stenosis.

The nerve roots and spinal cord are located within this space, and compression can cause the nerves to become pinched. Most commonly, people experience this phenomenon in the neck or low back, and it can lead to pain or numbness in the neck, shoulders, arms, back, legs, and/or calves. Symptoms start slowly and worsen over time. Depending on the severity and the cause of the spinal stenosis, it can usually be treated conservatively without spinal surgery. 

Spinal stenosis is diagnosed by MRI or CT scans that show the cross-section of the spine. Our team of specialists at Texas Spine Clinic are experts in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of spinal stenosis. We take great pride to ensure your condition is accurately diagnosed and well treated through all available avenues of treatment. 
Treatments range depending on the severity and cause of the stenosis, but conservative treatment includes therapy for correcting posture, spinal injections to treat inflammation and pain, and surgery in more severe cases. 

Treat Spinal Stenosis Today.

Stop living with unwanted pain keeping you from the simple things in life such as grocery shopping. Call Texas Spine Clinic at 210-741-9166 to schedule an appointment today and find out which treatment is right for you. 

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