Jul 14, 2017 | Pain

Many adults experience back pain on a somewhat frequent basis. While back pain can be triggered by a number of stimuli, there seems to be a connection between stomach and back pain, especially when abdominal bloating is involved. But why does this connection exist? Again, there are multiple reasons, but each one demonstrates just how interconnected the stomach and spine truly are.

Back Pain and Abdominal Bloating

A number of possible reasons exist for the co-occurrence of spinal pain and abdominal bloating. Bloating can occur for a number of reasons, ranging from very benign causes like overeating or eating fatty foods to more serious concerns like autoimmune disorders and cancer.

As far as foods go, there are quite a few different types of food that cause bloating, which can trigger pain in stomach and back. Foods rich in oligosaccharides (such as lentils and beans) can cause abdominal bloating, as can strawberries, apricots, prunes, Brussel sprouts, dairy products, sweeteners, and whole grains. When these foods cause fiber to get backed up in the digestive system, bloating and constipation can occur, making it crucial that you drink plenty of liquids to keep the fiber moving.

What If It’s Something Serious?

Generally, simultaneous occurrences of stomach and back pain are relatively non-threatening and can be naturally remediated at home. However, there are some causes for concern, especially if the pain recurs often or simply does not subside. Some additional symptoms might indicate something more serious is going on.

Bloating, constipation, and spinal pain can indicate the presence of autoimmune disorders, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Celiac’s Disease, and Sjogren’s Syndrome. Those with different types of neuropathy (which is a co-morbidity with many autoimmune disorders) sometimes report having these symptoms.

On a somewhat more rare occasion, spinal pain that leads into stomach pain can be an indicator of certain types of cancer. Women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer often report feeling back and stomach pain as well as experiencing increasingly worse constipation prior to their cancer diagnoses. What Can Be Done to Ease the Pain?

Spinal and abdominal pain can be annoying, if not downright challenging to deal with. There are a few steps you can take to reduce pain in stomach and back areas. One of the most vital steps you can take is to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will get the built-up fiber moving through your digestive system. This is especially important for people with disorders like Sjogren’s who experience chronic dryness throughout their bodies.

Additionally, you might need to change some of your eating habits and even be tested for food allergies. Those who are lactose intolerant struggle with back and stomach pain and have found that eliminating dairy eases some of this pain.

Finally, if symptoms persist, you should contact your doctor and discuss your concerns. Even though it can feel embarrassing, admitting that you are in pain is the first step to alleviating it. Call Texas Spine Clinic today to help relieve your pain.

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