Scrambler Therapy for Neuropathy

Scrambler Therapy for Neuropathy
and a host of other Chronic Pain Syndromes:
A Non-Invasive Solution at Texas Spine Clinic

Are you ready to learn how you can finally ease the pain of your severe neuropathy or other chronic pain without medications, surgery or wasting money on gimmicky pills that don don’t work?

At Texas Spine Clinic, we offer the newest and most advanced treatment for neuropathic pain, Scrambler Therapy. This non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment can provide significant relief for many patients suffering from neuropathic pain syndromes. This treatment is being used by some of the largest and most respected health institutions in the world.

What is Scrambler Therapy?

Scrambler Therapy is a revolutionary approach to pain management that uses a unique technology to “scramble” pain signals before they reach the brain. It involves the application of electrodes to the skin, delivering precisely modulated electrical signals that modify the way the brain perceives pain. Essentially, it “re-educates” the nervous system, replacing pain signals with non-pain signals.

How Does it Work?

Scrambler Therapy utilizes a device that generates specific patterns of electrical signals. These signals are transmitted through electrodes placed on the skin in the area surrounding the pain. The device intercepts the pain signals traveling along nerve fibers and replaces them with “non-pain” signals. This process essentially tricks the brain into perceiving a different sensation, reducing or eliminating the perception of pain.

What Types of Pain Can it Treat?

Scrambler Therapy has been shown to be effective for a variety of chronic pain conditions, including:
  • Neuropathic Pain: This type of pain results from damage to the nervous system, often characterized by burning, shooting, or tingling sensations. Scrambler Therapy can be particularly helpful for conditions like:
    • Diabetic Neuropathy: Nerve damage caused by diabetes.
    • Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy: Nerve damage resulting from cancer treatment.
    • Post-Surgical Nerve Pain: Pain persisting after surgery.
    • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS): A chronic pain condition affecting a limb.
    Other Chronic Pain Conditions: Scrambler Therapy may also provide relief for other chronic pain conditions, such as:
    • Back pain
    • Neck pain
    • Headaches
    • Facial pain

What to Expect During Treatment

Scrambler Therapy is a non-invasive and relatively comfortable procedure.

  • Electrode Placement: During a session, electrodes are placed on the skin in the area surrounding your pain.
  • Treatment Session: The treatment session typically lasts 30-45 minutes. Sensations: You may experience mild tingling or vibrations during the
  • Treatment Course: A typical course of Scrambler Therapy involves daily sessions for 10-12 days.

Scrambler Therapy at Leading Institutions

Texas Spine Clinic is proud to offer this advanced pain management technique. Scrambler Therapy is also being utilized at leading medical institutions across the country, including:

  • Johns Hopkins Medicine: Recognized for its use in treating chronic pain, including cancer pain and complex regional pain syndrome.  
  • Cleveland Clinic: Employed to help patients with neuropathic pain reduce or eliminate their reliance on medications.  
  • Mayo Clinic: Helping treat a variety of Pain Management conditions with a non-invasive approach.
  • MD Anderson: Helping patients with chemotherapy induced neuropathy.
  • UCLA: Offered as a non-invasive option for managing various chronic pain conditions.  
  • University Hospitals: Used to treat patients with chemotherapy-induced neuropathy and other chronic pain conditions.  

If you’re struggling with chronic pain and haven’t found relief with other treatments, Scrambler Therapy may be an option for you. Contact Texas Spine Clinic today to schedule a consultation and learn more about this innovative pain management solution.